fredag 4. november 2011

The Rape Me Girl

In Norway a lot of girls wants to pretend they get raped, not sure why, but it's really popular.

This one time I was just doing my thang, owning up in Starcraft, and then some other guys who I shared appartment with were out drinking, and one of them brought home this pretty, a little tall, but not too tall, but tall for a girl with long blonde hair home.

The guy she was into was really good with the ladies, smooth talker, gets her wine, appropiate music. I wasn't spying or anything, but I have to walk past the living room to get to the kitchen, and I go to kitchens a lot.

When it got really late, I was going to the kitchen again, they were right about to do it!! And I think the guy was naked, but he was really drunk, and he had tossed her over the side of the sofa and pulled her panties down, she was really drunk too. And he was laughing and cussing when I came by, and he just started walking towards me. I said hi, sup. And he pointed at his thingy.

"So drunk, no chance I can get it up, fuck it." And he went in to his room and locked it.

Anyway, I got a bit uneasy, was a little weird, had just been living there for a month or so, I moved there to share place with Dokosoko and John, 2 friends, and one last guy I didn't know, was pretty big place, and this was the last guy I didn't know.

So I got some stuff in the kitchen, I had a "peek" nothing too pervy, but just a glance at the sofa, cos the hot girl was still sticking her bum up, almost passed out, think she was muttering something. And after I had walked past the living room in slow motion, I ran downstairs to my room.

Put on my headphones, and headed on iccup.

Then suddenly.... Something.... Someone... Opened my door, it was the drunk blonde, she seemed a little abnoxious, like she "woke up" and was feeling bitchy.

I said Hi, as I do to strangers, she didn't reply back, just stared at me. I do this thingy where you try to not pull a smile even though you want to, and I got really nervous. What was this trickery!!

She then left from the entrance of my room, but didn't close the door, and she started walking back and forth, murmering something. I was to startled to be able to continue playing, and I felt stupid just sitting there, so I thought, I should maybe get up and close my door. I went to the door, and she was only a few "yards" away, I guess I have to use yards since most of you people like that shit.

I notice she had her purple dress on, it was pretty short, like a few cm under buttocks area. And she pulls it up to her stomach, no panties, she probably lost them upstairs in that act they had to abort. But she still looked really pist, one of those moments where you think of those meme pics "I got the weirdest boner right now".

I did what any man would do, tried to hurry and close my door, but she stopped it, and did this demonic evil looking stare at me, like she hated me. I quickly stopped trying to close the door and took a few steps back, she dragged her dress up further and started doing this weird walk/dance down the hall, when the bitch had her back to me, I shut the door so fast. I ran to my computer chair, not really sure what to do in it. But if she came back I could pretend I was doing something technical, so I pulled up some graphs and a few more windows, so now I could look really occupied.

A few seconds later she opened the door, now more pissy than ever, all angry since I closed the door probably. I got tired of being friendly and asked, what do you want? She sat down in my bed, I ran and got her a glass of water (seemed like the appropriate thing to do).

Right around this time, Dokosoko came, not sure from where and I had just given her the water, she poured it out, and she hit my sc cd's.....

Ok that's it, I've had it, I grabbed her arm and "yelled, not too loud, but a lot louder than my normal voice, that's for sure" get out, you piece of shit. Now Dokosoko is trying to come an calm the situation, and I said, Nooo, let's kick her out in the snow, she's being dick, and she's naked, she keeps trying to show her pussy.

He said he knew her, and he'd take care of this, she burst out crying!! Now I felt bad, annoying, but I did the "close my door" trick again (which I kept having very little success with, maybe if I had a key). And I think Doko comforted her, got her some clothes and sent her home.
Then I think he left, cos he wasn't there anymore. So I join a game and I start playing, 1-2 min later I hear people come in the entrance, I just think it's just "someone" and I ignore it. (I think I was a bit moody now).

Then "blam" my door open again, and it's the crazy person. And now I go like "ah fkn crap, now what!!"

And she lays in my bed, she tossed of most of her clothes in the hall and she seem to be shaking. I feel bad, I take my blanket over her and I dim the lights, ok, maybe go to sleep.

And I try to keep playing, but it's hard, I hear some ruckus behind me, so im curious,I pause the game and have a lookzies.

Now she's kicked of the blanket, preteding to be asleep ,but she's done that "drag dress up to stomach" trick again, and got her legs spread, exposing her pussy. (It wasn't an ugly pussy or anything, had some meat to it, was mostly white with a few pink areas I do recall).

I get really startled and nervous, wth is going on, where am I!!
I try to turn but I can't seem to be able to focus on starcraft right now. I take a quick turn and peak a little more, I do my squint with the eyes trick, like taking a photograph, then hurry and turn back again.

Now I'm to stressed to play, not sure what to do, and this will look weird if the guy who was with her comes down, or if Dokosoko comes, or, or or if my grandma finds out....

I get up and i'm about to leave the room to think, and I could have sworn she lifted one of her eyelids, to like, check, check what I was doing.

My spider senses were telling me "it'z a tarp". (My concious mind thinks in linguistics very similar to lolcatz).

So I get a really good idea, I run upstairs and I masturbate. Then no "rape, sleep" violation thoughts are in my head. I did plan to go in my room and keep playing, but I got this other awesome idea, instead I just get her some more water, turn off the pc, put it next to her, toss the blanket over her and I go in another room and sleep there.

The next day when I wake up she isn't there, so I just go about my normal routine, but later in the day she comes to visit, and she is asking for me!!

Now she looks like a different person, all polite, shy, pretty and propper. And she spoke, a little nervously. She wanted to know what happened last night. After her first polite opening, she sounded a little "hmm... mischevious". I think that fits, because she said she didn't remember anything, and wanted to know why she woke up in my room, and why she was naked.

Now I'm 78% more relaxed and not nervous, I easily get nervous around drunk people, but when sober, I am in charge.

I start, oh, I'll tell you what happened, and I go in details, and I go through from start to finish, even the slow motion detail when she was almost passed out earlier in the evening with her bum on the edge of the coach. To the part where she kept wanting to show her pussy, to the part where she pretended to be asleep and spread.

Somewhere around there she burst out crying, didn't seem fake or anything, seemed like propper devestation, she nearly broke down, and she ran out, crying real loud. And after that I don't think she came back to visit anymore.

So the moral of the story, a lot of bitches want to pretended they be getting raped I think!!

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